Some of Fabienne's paintings can be bought on artmajeur.com/fabienne-quinsac with secure payment, automatic calculation of shipping costs for any country and insurance included.
If you want to... - buy a painting displayed on this website (all prices in euros, shipping costs not included); - or show some of Fabienne's paintings in an exhibition or in a gallery; - or print a reproduction for commercial use or in a book;
please contact Fabien Maréchal fabmar@sfr.fr
You can freely print or reproduce Fabienne Quinsac's works for non-commercial purpose or educational framework, provided you mention the name of the artist, the title of the painting and the source of the image : (and then be kind enough to send us a message ;-)
For all works by Fabienne Quinsac: © Fabienne Quinsac/Fabien Maréchal & rightholders
Train de nuit (Night train)