acrylic on canvas,
Expédition polaire (Polar Expedition) 73x92 cm 1200€ Fabienne took another picture of Polar Expedition just before finishing and signing the painting (see here). The differences between the two versions are very slight. Fabienne added a few details to emphasize the motion effect (lines on the left of the central shape). The difference in color between the two versions is due to the camera and the shooting conditions.
50x50 cm (private collection)
(Big sea sands / Clear mist)
untitled 80x100 cm 700€
Vague vogue
(Navigating Wave)
Pris dans les glaces (Stuck in Ice) 50x50 cm 650€
Falaise 1 (Cliff n°3) 73x92 cm 750€
Cabane en hiver / Froid (Hut in winter / Coldness) 73x50 cm (private collection)
Géométrie (Geometry) 40x40 cm 520€ A photo taken by Fabienne Quinsac shows a previous version of this painting and called Green Casting.